I never had thoughts that control me
I never had thoughts that control me

i never had thoughts that control me

I haven't been diagnosed with depression, but I feel if I don't get my act together very soon I will fall into that dark hole which I really do not wish to enter. So please consider seeking some proffers ions therapy x And in those three sessions I can start to see that I am going to over come this, it may not be easy and it may not be soon but I can already tell that getting someone to help me is the first step into finding a resolution to all this suffering it causes us.

i never had thoughts that control me

I just started seeing a psychologist 3 weeks ago. Letting myself live like this for this whole year has turned me into a mess, I currently can't even work anymore because of my stress levels, and because it's made me feel severely depressed and anxious and have many physical symptoms because of this. Where it has gotten to a point where it has completely taken over my life and I cannot control the thoughts and my actions. I myself have had a lot of this year ruined by disturbing uncontrollable thoughts about death and me dying, and thinking constantly my family dying, thinking of just everything in life in such a negative way. It may be expensive, but in the long run it will be so so beneficial. Going by what you're experiencing I would highly recommend going to see someone and chat to a professional. Thanks for taking the time to read my long post and I look forward to hearing anything you have to say about it. I want to be able to control my thoughts and just be happy. I avoid a lot of the things I love because they trigger my OCD thoughts and it just makes me so stressed and depressed. It can be so isolating living with an anxiety disorder because I know I keep these thoughts to myself since I know no one else in my life can understand what I'm going through. I am hoping that some of you can relate to any of the issues and can give me some advice as to what helps you. There is a lot more that goes on in my head but I don't want to over load you guys in just one post. Like if I don't make it apparent that I checked all candles were blown out, then I will just worry that my house will burn down with my dogs in it. When leaving the house, I go over everything in my head and if I'm not sure whether I locked, shut or turned something off before I left, I worry the entire time something will happen to my dogs while I'm away because of it. I will as far as buying something I don't even really want just so that they don't think I went there just to steal something. I also get really stressed out whenever I go into stores because I get worried that the people working there will think me or the person I'm with is trying to shoplift. I am always in fear of people getting the wrong idea or misinterpreting something I said and in doing so, they think I'm a terrible person. I try to relate to everyone so that they have a positive view of me. I just want everyone To like me and think I'm a good person. I try and figure out what they are thinking and how they are judging me. Everything I do or say in front of people, I analyze. I really need reassurance from others in order to feel like I'm doing things right or that I'm a good person. I think the biggest thing that triggers my anxiety disorder is my fear of how people perceive me to be. I think the worst if I feel a bump or hear any type of ding. I get so nervous and worried that I will check my car a bunch of times just to see if there's any type of damage or difference. I turn the radio down real low so that I can hear every noise just in case. I always worry that I hit someone or something and didn't realize it or notice. I also have panic attacks when driving alone. I notice that anytime there is something that is going good for me, I will find reasons why I don't deserve it or why I'm not worthy of having it in my life. I am always saying in my head, "I should of did this" and "why didn't I do that instead." I beat myself up over things I can't change.

i never had thoughts that control me

It's really hard for me to try and move on from past mistakes. I will bring up bad memories from the past of things that I did wrong or when I had made bad judgements. I have a lot of negative thoughts running through my mind on a daily basis. I am constantly making myself feel like I'm a bad person. I would really love any feedback and any type of help you could all give me. I'm sorry if my post is a little excessive but I find that even writing it all down, gives me some relief of all the stress I feel. I've been researching a lot about different anxiety disorders and I'm most relatable to that of OCD and I definitely feel I have depression as well.

I never had thoughts that control me professional#

I haven't seen a therapist or a professional because frankly I can't afford it and I always end up chickening out when I do find a somewhat affordable place. I find myself always reverting back to my negative thinking ways. Hi Everyone! So I have had anxiety issues since I was a kid but this last year or two has been the worst it's ever been for me.

I never had thoughts that control me